I had a discussion with a gentleman about eating who was concerned about being light-headed and a little nauseous after his workouts. He explained to me he was trying to lose weight quickly by exercising in the morning before having anything to eat. He was also on one of those popular quick loss diet plans he said was working because he had lost a significant amount of weight over the last couple of weeks.
Over my 25 years in health and fitness I have heard this gentleman’s story countless times with the same results. You lose the weight quickly on one of the popular fad diets and then you gain the weight back faster as soon as you return to your normal eating habits. Here’s why this scenario plays out over and over with the same outcome. The weight that you lose on a calorie restricted diet is mostly from muscle loss and that decreases your metabolism. Then when you get tired of following the restricted eating plan and return to your old eating habits you will find that your body is not burning as many calories as before you started your weight loss effort. Click here to read more...

I'm an ACE certified personal trainer and National Masters Over 60 Powerlifting Champion with over 25 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. I've seen a lot of fads come and go, but three things remain constant in getting healthy and staying fit. A positive mental attitude, a healthy balanced diet, and a fitness program built on proper strength training and cardiovascular exercise. Practice these three things daily and you will discover that they lead to "The Fountain of Youth."