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I'm an ACE certified personal trainer and National Masters Over 60 Powerlifting Champion with over 25 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. I've seen a lot of fads come and go, but three things remain constant in getting healthy and staying fit. A positive mental attitude, a healthy balanced diet, and a fitness program built on proper strength training and cardiovascular exercise. Practice these three things daily and you will discover that they lead to "The Fountain of Youth."
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Newest Top Doc, is Taking on an Epidemic: Obesity
Click here to see the whole story.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Weight Lifting Keeps You Looking Fit and Firm as You Age
As a personal trainer with over 17 years of experience in the fitness industry, and being in my fifties, I can attest to the truth of getting "loose on the bone" if your fitness program consists mainly of cardiovascular exercise. While cardiovascular exercise should be a part of any fitness program, strength training also known as weight lifting should be the foundation of your exercise program as you approach your 40s and beyond.
You start to naturally lose muscle mass starting around age 40. Strength training can minimize, and even stop this from occurring. This is important because, muscle is the active component of your body that burns most of the calories that you consume. Muscle, also keeps you looking fit and firm. Each pound of muscle burns about 6 calories daily even at rest and more when you are active.
You naturally lose one to one and one-half pounds of muscle each year starting in your 40s, and this muscle loss is replaced by fat if you don't adjust your diet and your activity level accordingly. Cardiovascular exercise is great for burning fat, but it can't stop you form losing muscle, and too much cardiovascular exercise causes you to lose muscle even faster.
Therefore, as you approach your 40s, you should start to incorporate more weight lifting into your fitness routine. If you do it regularly, I promise you will never "get loose on the bone."
In my next post I'll explain the basics of a good weight lifting program.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
There Are No Excuses To Achieving Your Fitness Goals
Ever notice that the people who are always complaining about how they can't lose weight or how they can't get in-shape are the same people who make excuses why they can't exercise or eat healthy on a consistent basis? Getting healthy and fit and staying healthy and fit is a lifetime commitment. The older you get the more important it is to stay consistent in your fitness program.
The biggest problem with people who make excuses why they can't workout consistently is they think that they can get the results that they desire by doing their fitness program "once in a while." That's like thinking you can be healthy by only eating two or three times a month. It's just doesn't work that way.
In my 17 years of working as a personal trainer I have never seen anyone achieve their fitness goals with a "once in a while approach." To achieve and maintain your fitness goals you have to make a lifetime commitment to exercising and eating a healthy diet on a regular basis. No excuses.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Age is Not a Matter of Years, It's a State of Mind
Here is what I believe. Human's measure time in seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, and years. The past is only the things that you have experienced. The present is the things you experience now. And the future is the things that you expect to experience. So, time is just a collection of your experiences past, present, and future.
While you cannot change your past experiences, you can change your future experiences by changing your expectations of the future. Your body conforms to the things that you expect. If you expect your health and physical fitness to decline as you age then it will. If you expect to healthy and fit as you age, then you will be.
Remember, your body rebuilds itself every 11 months and it rebuilds according to the your expectations. Therefore, age is only a state of mind and not a matter of years.
Monday, September 6, 2010
My Clients Motivate Me To Stay Fit
Being a personal trainer means I am also a role model. I've got to stay fit in order for my clients follow my advice. Would you go to a dentist who had rotten teeth? The same logic goes for me, would you pay a personal trainer who's fat and out-of-shape? No.
The majority of my clients are over 40 years old. They want to recapture their youthful energy and shape. I'm in my 50s and I show them that is possible. I'm stronger and more fit now than I was in my 20s. Thus, I have to stay in-shape.
So, when I have one of those days that I don't feel like working-out, I just think about my clients who look at me as their role model. I can't let them down nor can I afford to let myself down consequently, I find my way to the gym and I have a good workout.
To all my clients out there. Thank you for motivating me to stay fit.
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