I'm an ACE certified personal trainer and National Masters Over 60 Powerlifting Champion with over 25 years of experience in the health and fitness industry. I've seen a lot of fads come and go, but three things remain constant in getting healthy and staying fit. A positive mental attitude, a healthy balanced diet, and a fitness program built on proper strength training and cardiovascular exercise. Practice these three things daily and you will discover that they lead to "The Fountain of Youth."
Friday, May 20, 2016
Balanced Life Living Life From Within
A must read if you feel like getting ahead in your life is a losing battle.
Ever feel as if there is no purpose
to your life and each day is just the same as yesterday? Do you feel you
struggle through life while others have it so easy? Ever ask yourself why am I
trying so hard and nothing seems to go right for me? What about that empty
feeling you have and nothing you do seems to satisfy it? Ever watch the news
and think that if God is real why is the world so messed up?
If you’ve ever felt any of these
things you are not alone. Everyone struggles at times to find meaning in their
life. If you’ve ever felt like you are on a journey and you have no idea of
where it will end, then this book is for you.
Some people seem to breeze through
life as if they have a guide that’s always showing them the easy way. There is
such a life force. This way of living will
bring you peace and harmony in all aspects of your life and if that is what you
seek, then read on.
As early as I can remember I always
felt a presence with me something within me that was an internal guide.
Whenever I would follow that internal guidance things would turn out well for
me no matter the circumstance I found myself in. For instance, when I was
around age seven, being rambunctious as kids are at that age, I was playing
with a pair of scissors and accidently punctured a hole in my mother’s brand
new sofa. I was so afraid to tell my mother what had happened that I made up
all kinds of stories in my head of what to say to her. Then this inner guide
gently said, “Tell your mother the truth and all will be okay.” So I did. My
mother was understandably upset at seeing the hole in her new sofa, but she
assured me that everyone makes mistakes and that she loved me far more than a
sofa. She was proud of me for telling the truth. Ever since that day I have
sought that internal guidance in all that I do.
I now know the internal guide in me
is Divine Love and Divine Love loves me in spite of the mistakes I make. It
understands just as my mother did when I put a hole in her brand new sofa. This
same Divine Love resides in everyone and is simply awaiting our recognition of
The Divine Love I’m talking about permeates
all life. It is the Invisible Life Force that animates and governs all we see—from
the movement of the heavenly bodies, to the changing of the seasons, to the
beating of one’s heart. Some call this Life Force God, some call it Spirit, and
others call it Universal Life. No matter what you call it, you must realize it
is Everywhere Present, All Knowing, and All Powerful in order to fully benefit
from It in your life. This Life Force created, maintains, and sustains you. It
is the intelligence that orchestrates the billions of interactions that happen
in your body each day that keeps you alive.
You have unlimited access to this
awesome Life Force through your consciousness. As a matter of fact, this Life
Force beckons you to recognize it. It stands always ready to come to your aid,
but it will not come unless invited. It knows how to guide you easily and
harmoniously in accomplishing all your tasks, both great and small.
You exist as an expression of this
great Life Force as spirit, mind, and body. In order to live a fulfilled and
joyful life you need to recognize and balance these three dimensions. There is
a rhythm to life that once entered and maintained, makes things flow easily and
harmoniously with little stress.
The object of this book is to help
you understand this Life Force, and how to be in tune with It to create the
life you truly desire. Take a journey with me and transform your body, mind,
and spirit. We will explore balance from the inside out starting with spiritual
energy, the spiritual laws and mental energy. Then my co-author, Alisha Lalji,
will share the healing modalities that completely transformed her life. The
latter part of the book will start a conversation about health, fitness and
nutrition—all subjects especially dear to me since I’m a personal trainer.
Alisha and I thank you for taking this journey of health and well-being with us
and can’t wait to hear about your results.
“All things were
made by Him; and without Him was not any thing made that was made. In Him
was life; and the life was the light of men.” —John 1:3-4.
You can purchase this book by following this link: Balanced Life
Or download as an ebook by clicking here: Balanced Life Ebook
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Did You Know Body Fat is Your Muscles Fuel of Choice at Rest?
In most gyms you will find the majority of the people on the cardio equipment in hope of losing weight and body fat. They spend most of their time on the treadmills or the elliptical machines and very little time hitting the weights. After several weeks of this they get frustrated because they see very little progress. They just can't understand why they are working out so hard and can't seem to lose any body fat.
The answer to the above situation is they haven't built enough muscle to burn the body fat they want to get rid of. Here's a fact you probably don't know about your body. Your muscles fuel of choice during most of the day is body fat. That's right, your muscles prefer to burn fat as fuel when you are doing low intensity activities, and and also when you are at rest. More specifically, the metabolism of fat furnishes about two-thirds of the energy your body requires at rest.
Even while you are asleep your muscles are active and they need fuel to survive. Actually, you burn most of your calories just doing the activities of daily life and when you are asleep. Your body's aerobic energy system supplies your muscles with fuel during these times and this fuel comes mainly from burning body fat.
Strength training or weight lifting is the most effective way to build and maintain your muscle mass. Cardiovascular exercise does little to build muscle, and in fact, too much cardio can lead to muscle loss. Additionally, you start to naturally lose muscle as consequence of age. Thus, the less muscle you have the less body fat you burn. So, the best long-term approach for losing that stubborn body fat is to maximize your muscle mass through strength training. With this approach you burn body fat 24 hours each day. Just think of burning fat while you sleep, how sweet is that?
The answer to the above situation is they haven't built enough muscle to burn the body fat they want to get rid of. Here's a fact you probably don't know about your body. Your muscles fuel of choice during most of the day is body fat. That's right, your muscles prefer to burn fat as fuel when you are doing low intensity activities, and and also when you are at rest. More specifically, the metabolism of fat furnishes about two-thirds of the energy your body requires at rest.
Even while you are asleep your muscles are active and they need fuel to survive. Actually, you burn most of your calories just doing the activities of daily life and when you are asleep. Your body's aerobic energy system supplies your muscles with fuel during these times and this fuel comes mainly from burning body fat.
Strength training or weight lifting is the most effective way to build and maintain your muscle mass. Cardiovascular exercise does little to build muscle, and in fact, too much cardio can lead to muscle loss. Additionally, you start to naturally lose muscle as consequence of age. Thus, the less muscle you have the less body fat you burn. So, the best long-term approach for losing that stubborn body fat is to maximize your muscle mass through strength training. With this approach you burn body fat 24 hours each day. Just think of burning fat while you sleep, how sweet is that?
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