Saturday, August 27, 2016

Fitness Over 50, You Can Be Stronger Next Year

Lately I've noticed a lot of fitness videos and programs aimed at those of us over the age of 50.  It seems that these programs have good intentions, however the exercises and fitness routines they recommend are more geared toward people in rest homes.  Just because you are over 50 doesn't mean your exercise routine should only be composed of resistance bands and light weight dumbbells.

If you are in poor physical condition, using resistance bands, and light weights is a place to start in your journey to improve your health and fitness level, but it isn't a place for you to stay for very long.  The ripe young age of 50 is where you really need to concentrate on building and maintaining your muscle mass and the best way to do this is with strength training better known as weight lifting.

Building muscle is important because you naturally start to lose your muscle mass at a rate of about 1 lb per year beginning in your 40s and this process accelerates with time if you don't do anything about it.  The good news is that you can slow and  even reverse age related muscle loss by lifting weights on a regular basis. 

Muscle is that component of your body that makes your bones and joints strong, keeps your metabolism high (which makes losing weight easier), and helps you remain youthful and strong.   Studies have shown that people in their 80s and 90s can build muscle and get stronger by lifting weights on a regular basis.

I believe firmly in the benefits of regular strength training.  I'm in my fifties and I've been strength training three to four times each week for over 30 years and believe it or not, I'm stronger and more fit than I was in my 20s.  And you can be too.  If you are over 50, starting a regular strength training program is one of the most important things you can do for your fitness.  If you start now, I guarantee you will be stronger and more fit next year.  Wouldn't that be awesome?

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